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ISN will join upcoming AFRAN 2017 congress

ISN is set to join the African Association of Nephrology, the African Paediatric Nephrology Association (AFRAN/AFPNA) combined biennial congress. This edition will celebrate 30 years since the foundation of AFRAN, focusing on the theme of preserving kidney health in Africa. Talks will highlight the issues of acute kidney injury, transplantation and look into curbing progressive kidney failure and combating the complications of chronic kidney disease to maintain good health.

The ISN African Regional Workshop is set to take place during the congress on Wednesday March 15, 2017 from 10.45am to 12:15pm. It will be a unique opportunity to find out about all the ISN activities and how to get involved.

There will also be a session dedicated to the challenges surrounding peritoneal dialysis for AKI patient care, focusing on the achievements of the Saving Young Lives project. The meeting is supported by the ISN Continuing Medical Education and Saving Young Lives program.

A hands-on training program about peritoneal dialysis and catheter insertion, aimed at doctors and nurses, will be set up by Brett Cullis and Mignon McCulloch.

Stay tuned for more information in the coming months. In the meantime, find out more about the program HERE.

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