
Built on the success and achievements of the ISN Nexus and Forefronts series, the ISN Frontiers Meetings brings together basic scientists, clinicians and practitioners in a unique setting. This event format makes cutting-edge science available to a global audience, breaking down cross-regional barriers in accessing the latest knowledge and expertise.

The ISN Frontiers Meeting “Complement-related kidney diseases: classification, genetics and treatment” will be hosted by the Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research and it will take place in Bergamo, Italy on June 23-25, 2022 .

Join us in Bergamo!

ISN Frontiers Meeting and COVID-19

The meeting will operate with enforced sanitary precautions and will be compliant with all other COVID-19 related safety measures including maximum social distancing.  For more information about the measures at the venue, pelase check here.