
Built on the success and achievements of the ISN Nexus and Forefronts series, the ISN Frontiers Meetings brings together basic scientists, clinicians and practitioners in a unique setting. This event format makes cutting-edge science available to a global audience, breaking down cross-regional barriers in accessing the latest knowledge and expertise.

The ISN Frontiers Meeting “Infections and the Kidneys”  will take place in New Delhi, India on September 22-25, 2022. Join us in New Delhi!

ISN Frontiers Meeting and COVID-19

We are carefully monitoring the COVID-19 situation both globally and in South Asia; The ISN Frontiers Meeting on Infections and the Kidneys continues to be planned as an in person meeting in New Delhi, but with opportunities to follow the program online for those whose travel to the meeting continues to be restricted by the pandemic. For further information, please visit here. The final format may be evaluated based on restrictions in India at the time of the meeting.