Awards Gallery

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The Alfred Newton Richards Award rewards outstanding basic research in kidney-related fields.


The Roscoe R. Robinson Award acknowledges outstanding achievements in the field of…

The Lillian Jean Kaplan International Prize recognizes individuals for excellence and leadership…

The ISN Pioneer Awards honor the ‘unsung heroes’ of nephrology: doctors who…

The ISN Pioneer Awards honor the ‘unsung heroes’ of nephrology: doctors who…

The ISN Pioneer Awards honor the ‘unsung heroes’ of nephrology: doctors who…

The ISN Pioneer Awards honor the ‘unsung heroes’ of nephrology: doctors who…

Dr. Irma Tchokonelidze graduated from Tbilisi State Medical University (TSMU) in 1991…

The ISN Pioneer Awards honor the ‘unsung heroes’ of nephrology: doctors who…

The ISN Pioneer Awards honor the ‘unsung heroes’ of nephrology: doctors who…