Members - SRC Colombia-Colombia-USA

What difference did you make through your Sister Center partnership?

The relationship with ISN allowed us to introduce, planning and execute designed activities in order to enhance the level of our emerging center. Throughout the CME and EA we could expand the mission and goals of ISN among the health community of southwest of Colombia.

We received a high level of academic and quality support from BCH´s team through the visits to Boston by people from FVL. We are proud to have improved the interinstitutional relationship with the hospitals in Cali and Popayan and strength the primary and second level of pediatric nephrology attention.

What does the future look like?  

We would like to establish a Pediatric nephrology service linked to Adult nephrology at southwest of Colombia in order to set up a complete nephrology service and a Kidney Transplant Center at Popayan and Pasto, capital of Cauca and Nariño states respectively. We also want to stimulate the transition program and AKI network supported by ISN and IPNA.