The ISN provides regular live and recorded webinars in several languages covering a range of topics relevant to the nephrology community.
Live events are open access and include interactive question and answer sessions.
Recordings are available exclusively for ISN members and ISN Academy subscribers on the ISN Academy.
- 3 PM CET
ISN Webinar: Understanding the cardiovascular effects of GLP-1 Receptor Agonists and implications in patients with CKD and cardiovascular disease
This webinar is only available for healthcare professionals This webinar aims to review the various cardiovascular outcome trials of GLP-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1RAs) conducted in patients with cardiovascular risk with or without diabetes and relevance of these findings in managing...
- 3:00 PM CET
Industry Webinar: A New Dawn for IgA Nephropathy – Redefining What is Possible With Sparsentan
KDIGO draft guidelines recommend that proteinuria, the only validated biomarker for disease progression in IgAN, be maintained at <0.5 g/d (preferably <0.3 g/d) to reduce the rate of kidney function loss to <1 ml/min/y. In the PROTECT phase 3...
- 2:00 PM CET
ISN Renal Pathology Working Group Webinar: Advancing Diagnosis: Insights and Recommendations from the TMA-Banff Working Group on Renal Thrombotic Microangiopathy
Renal thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA) presents significant diagnostic challenges in the context of renal allografts, often complicating post-transplant outcomes. This session will provide a comprehensive overview of the insights and recommendations from the TMA-Banff Working Group, emphasizing the latest advances...
- 4 PM CET
ISN-IPNA Webinar: Cystinosis Across Life Stages: Advancing Therapeutics and Multi-Disciplinary Care for Improved Outcomes
Cystinosis, a rare and progressive metabolic disease, presents unique challenges across the patient's life stages. This webinar will provide an in-depth exploration of the natural disease course, enabling participants to understand its progression and long-term implications. Attendees will gain...
- 10 PM CET
ISN-Cochrane Webinar: Non-immunosuppressive treatment for IgA nephropathy
IgA nephropathy (IgAN) is the most common primary glomerulonephritis, with approximately 30% of patients progressing to kidney failure. This is an updated Cochrane systematic review of randomised controlled trials of non-immunosuppressive treatment in IgAN. Eighty studies (4856 participants) were identified....
- 2 PM CET
ISN Africa Regional Board Webinar: SGLT2 inhibitors: a double gain for Nephrology
The emergence of SGLT2 inhibitors (SGLT2i) has revolutionized the management of chronic kidney disease (CKD), offering nephrologists an invaluable tool to address the dual challenges of metabolic-cardiovascular risk and renal protection. This session will explore how SGLT2 inhibitors serve...
- 3 PM CET
ISN Webinar: Green Nephrology: minimizing the environmental impact of kidney health care
Healthcare contributes substantially to environmental pollution, and nephrology practices, including dialysis and transplantation, have a notable ecological footprint. This session examines strategies to minimize this impact, focusing on optimizing water and energy use, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and managing...
- 1 PM CET
ISN Western Europe Regional Board Webinar: Reducing the Rates of Unplanned starts on Dialysis: Challenges and Solutions
Unplanned initiation of dialysis remains a significant challenge globally, adversely affecting patient outcomes and straining healthcare systems. This webinar explores the multifaceted issues surrounding "late presenters" to dialysis—patients who commence dialysis without prior planning—and discusses evidence-based strategies to mitigate...
- 3 PM CET
ISN Green-K Webinar: Importance of prevention and delaying kidney failure in Green Nephrology
This webinar is aimed at bringing to the fore the importance of preventive nephrology. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is presently the 9th commonest cause of death globally and has been projected will become the 5th commonest cause of death...
- 2:00 PM CEST
Grand Rounds in Pediatric Nephrology – an ISN-IPNA Sister Centers initiative: HIVAN: Preventable and Treatable, Yet Can Be fatal
HIV associated nephropathy (HIVAN) was first recognized in 1984 and became a frequent cause of ERF in patients, particularly within the Black ethnic community. With the use of ART and subsequently HART from the 1990’s onward ERF from HIVAN...
- 6 PM CET
Industry Webinar: APOL1-Mediated Kidney Disease (AMKD): Beneath the Surface of CKD in People of African Ancestry
Worldwide people of African ancestry suffer an excess of kidney failure. A portion of this links to carrying two copies of variants of the APOL1 gene. APOL1-Mediated Kidney Disease (AMKD) presents a spectrum of variably proteinuric CKD progressing to...
- 5 PM CET
ISN Webinar: How GLP1 receptor agonist evolved from weight management drugs to kidney protective therapy?
This webinar is only available for healthcare professionals This webinar aims to review both experimental studies and clinical trials that examined the efficacy of GLP-1 receptor agonists in mitigating the progression of DKD. Attendees will gain insights into the mechanisms...
- 3:00 PM CET
ISN-SLANH Webinar: Desigualdades de género en la enfermedad renal
Analizaremos cómo el género influye en el diagnóstico, tratamiento y progresión de la enfermedad renal. A través de un enfoque multidisciplinario, se abordarán las disparidades en el acceso a los servicios de salud, la atención médica, y los resultados...
- 2 PM CET
Grand Rounds in Transplant Nephrology – an ISN-TTS Sister Transplant Centres Initiative: Post-transplant diabetes in paediatric kidney transplant recipients
Post transplant Diabetes (PTDM) is a well-recognized complication after Kidney transplantation. Recent updates include recognition of impaired glucose tolerance, optimization of immunosuppression, prevention of PTDM and incorporation of new glucose lowering agents. Peri-transplant hyperglycemia is being increasingly identified and...
- 12 PM CET
ISN Green-K Webinar: What is Green Nephrology and Where Do I Even Begin?
Environmental changes, particularly climate change, are already having and will increasingly have an impact on the incidence and distribution of kidney diseases. Paradoxically, kidney care, especially dialysis, contributes substantially to resource depletion and greenhouse gas emissions. While there are...
- 2 PM CET
ISN-ASDIN Webinar: Teaching and performing POCUS in resource limited settings
Point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) is increasingly being recognized as a critical tool for providing healthcare in resource-limited settings, especially in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). Its ability to deliver diagnostic imaging in areas lacking infrastructure makes it invaluable. This conference...
- 9 AM CET
ISN-KDIGO Webinar: KDIGO Workshop on the Nurse’s Role in Managing the Symptoms of People Receiving Dialysis
Nephrology nurses have a pivotal role in the multidisciplinary assessment and management of symptoms experienced by people receiving dialysis. In December 2023, KDIGO held a workshop to collaboratively develop and recommend processes for articulating the important role of nurses in...
- 2 PM CET
ISN Webinar: Pioneering Xenotransplantation: The World’s First Genetically-Edited Pig Kidney Transplant in a Living Recipient
The groundbreaking achievement of the world’s first genetically-edited pig kidney transplant into a living recipient marks a significant milestone in the field of organ transplantation and regenerative medicine. This webinar will delve into the scientific, ethical, and clinical aspects...
- 4 PM CET
ISN Webinar: Implementing early CKD detection programs – perspectives from around the world – Part 2
This session will explore the key considerations for launching and sustaining early CKD detection programs. It will explore perspectives from each ISN region on the potential benefits and challenges of implementing these programs. The format will be case studies...
- 2 PM CET
ISN Webinar: Kidney Transplant Pathology, Banff Classification
The Banff Classification, established in 1991, set the first widely accepted criteria for diagnosing kidney transplant rejection. It has since evolved through biennial conferences, expanding to include other solid organ transplants with input from various medical experts. Now, it...
- 1 PM CET
ISN Webinar: How to Deliver an Effective Oral Presentation
All health professionals at some point of their careers have had to deliver presentations; whether it be case reports, research articles, audits or simply farewell or orientation speeches. In this stead, one always wonders how certain people can do...
- 11 AM CET
ISN Webinar: Implementing early CKD detection programs – perspectives from around the world – Part 1
This session will explore the key considerations for launching and sustaining early CKD detection programs. It will explore perspectives from each ISN region on the potential benefits and challenges of implementing these programs. The format will be case studies...
- 3 PM CET
ISN Webinar: Unraveling the biology of GLP1-receptor agonist for obesity management and metabolic control in CKD
The rising prevalence of obesity among patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) presents unique challenges in their management. This webinar, titled "Targeting Obesity in CKD Patients: The Role of Incretin Hormones and their Therapeutic Targets" aims to provide a...
ISN Middle East Regional Board Webinar: Activating Deceased Donor Transplant Program in the Middle East
Initiating a deceased-donor organ donation program is widely considered an essential component of a comprehensive approach to respond to the ever increasing organ shortage worldwide. Nevertheless, transplantation in the Middle East is shaped by the prevailing religious, socioeconomic, and...
- 2:00 PM CEST
Grand Rounds in Pediatric Nephrology – an ISN-IPNA Sister Centers initiative: AKI in malaria
Malaria is a common cause of acute kidney injury (AKI) in children in low and middle income countries. AKI occurs in 24–59% of children hospitalized with severe malaria. Risk factors for malaria associated AKI include black water fever, hypovolemia,...
ISN Africa Regional Board Webinar: Declaration of Abidjan, how well so far?
The Abidjan Declaration in Support of Kidney Care in the African Continent was launched during the AFRAN congress in February, 2023 in Cairo, Egypt. The declaration noted the high burden of kidney disease, its progression , increased morbidity and...
ISN Webinar: Advancements in C3 Glomerulopathy
This webinar will provide a comprehensive view of C3 Glomerulopathy (C3G). It will first discuss the complexities of C3G, including classification (dense deposit disease vs. C3 glomerulonephritis), natural history, and biopsy. It will then cover the latest clinical trial data before discussing how new therapeutic agents will fit into...
ISN-SFNDT Webinar: Guide de pratique clinique KDIGO 2024 pour l’évaluation et la prise en charge de la maladie rénale chronique : où en sommes-nous?
«The Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Guide de pratique clinique 2024 pour l'évaluation et la prise en charge de la maladie rénale chronique (MRC)» est une mise à jour très attendue des précédentes lignes directrices sur le sujet....
- 11 AM CEST
@ISNeducation Nuances in Nephrology Webinar: Advancements and Innovations in IgA Nephropathy: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Management
IgA Nephropathy, also known as Berger's Disease, is one of the most common forms of glomerulonephritis worldwide, characterized by the deposition of the IgA antibody in the glomerulus. This webinar aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the latest...
ISN-BSN Webinar: Natural Disasters and Nephrology – Geographic Impacts, Organizational Responses, and International Insights
This webinar will explore the critical intersection between natural disasters and nephrology, with a focus on the recent natural disaster in Rio Grande do Sul and its impact on dialysis and kidney care. Attendees will gain an understanding of...
@ISNeducation Nuances in Nephrology Webinar: Unlocking the Future: Artificial Intelligence in Dialysis
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transformative to healthcare, including dialysis therapies, it allows tailoring treatments to individual characteristics and advancing personalized care. This webinar delves into the groundbreaking field of AI in kidney replacement therapy. Attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding...
ISN-SAN Webinar: Abordaje Integral del Síndrome Cardiorenometabólico: Fisiopatología y Manejo Clínico
Este webinario ofrece una visión completa del síndrome cardiorenometabólico (CRM), abordando su fisiopatología y estrategias de manejo. Se explorarán los mecanismos que vinculan corazón, riñones y metabolismo, junto con enfoques prácticos basados en las últimas evidencias para mejorar los...