Members - SRC India-UK

Emerging Center, Country: Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh, India

Supporting Center, Country: St Georges University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom

What difference did you make through your Sister Center partnership? 

The partnership was extremely fruitful because of the continued collaborative work in research, education and service development, which continued after graduation.

Our research collaboration evolved, from a junior scholar visit to UK, who learned research techniques that he could take back to Chandigarh and apply in basic science and clinical research; to randomised controlled trial funded by the Department of Biotechnology on vitamin D therapy on endothelial function in India, published in the Journal of American Society of Nephrology.

Our collaboration in vascular access service development started with CMEs in India which resulted in a “vascular access development guidance” document published by the Indian Society of Nephrology, a junior scholar visit to UK and his work published in Journal of Vascular Access surgery.

What does the future look like?

The research collaboration continues with 2 studies funded by Welcome and Department of Biotechnology in CKD, and exploring service development options on management of CKD patients with heart failure, often-frail, who suffers from repeated hospital admissions and poor survival.