Social Media

Follow the ISN on Social Media

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The ISN uses social media to:

ISN Journals

Kidney International (KI) is one of the most cited journals in nephrology. It is widely regarded as the world’s foremost journal on the development and consequences of kidney diseases. Follow our journals on X (formerly Twitter):

ISN Social Media Groups

Comprising kidney care and healthcare professionals worldwide, these groups share kidney-related information through social networks and provide live coverage of ISN events and webinars:

  1. The @ISNeducation Social Media Team, collaborates on online education, focusing on social media. They create quizzes, visual abstracts, video abstracts, X (formerly Twitter) Spaces, Xorials (formerly Tweetorials), and more, guided by the Education Working Group to align with ISN’s education strategy.
  2. The WCN Social Media team offers complete coverage of ISN’s annual congress with innovative online educational materials such as daily posting (formerly tweeting), quizzes, visual abstracts, interviews, polls, X (formerly Twitter) Spaces, and more.
  3. The Frontiers Social media Teams offers complete coverage of the ISN Frontiers Meetings with innovative online educational materials such as daily posting (formerly tweeting) quizzes, visual abstracts, interviews, and more.
  4. Follow the ISN Facebook Groups: ISN Young Nephrologists and @ISNeducation

Our Hashtags

Follow our hashtags on all our networks and include them in your ISN-related publications:

  • #ThisIsISN – Everything related to the ISN
  • #ISNYoung – Young Nephrologists
  • #ISNWCN – World Congress of Nephrology
  • #ISNFilmEvent – ISN Community Film Events
  • #ISNFrontiers – ISN Frontiers Meetings
  • #ISN_ELP
  • #ISNquiz – Are your kidneys ok? quiz and monthly ISNeducation quiz
  • #ISNGTF – ISN-ACT Global Trials Focus
  • #ECNeph – Monthly “Everyday Cases in Nephrology”
  • #NephTrials – Quarterly tweetchat. A joint initiative of the NephJC community and the ISN-ACT

Twitter Lists

Discover and follow our Twitter lists.