Grand Rounds in Pediatric Nephrology — an ISN-IPNA Sister Centers initiative: Resistant hypertension in children on dialysis

Hypertension is a common problem in children on maintenance dialysis, with more than half of patients having uncontrolled hypertension. Fluid overload, inadequate dialysis, and hypertension under-treatment are the main causes of resistant hypertension. Uncontrolled/resistant hypertension is one of the main risk factors for cardiovascular disease in children on dialysis, including left ventricular hypertrophy. The main steps to address the management of uncontrolled hypertension and prevention of future cardiovascular disease will be addressed.
Learning Objectives:
- Outline the definition and prevalence of resistant hypertension
- Describe causes of resistant hypertension
- Discuss main steps in the management of resistant hypertension
Further Reading:
- Blood pressure and volume management in dialysis: conclusions from a Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Controversies Conference. Kidney International (2020) 97, 861–876;