ISN-KDIGO Webinar: BP Guidelines in CKD


ISN-KDIGO Webinar: BP Guidelines in CKD

Numerous studies have shown that reduction of blood pressure lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease and progression in CKD, but the optimum BPtargetremainsuncertain. ACCORD and SPRINT compared outcomes with target SBPs of 120 vs 140 mmHg: as in all previous outcome studies, BPmeasurement was standardized. The 2021 KDIGO BP in CKD guideline, based on a systematic evidence review, recommends standardized BPmeasurement and a target SBP <120mm Hg for adults with CKD (non-dialysis), <130mmHg for adult kidney transplant recipients and <50thpercentile of MAP on 24h ABPM for children. The webinar will explore the supporting evidence and the challenges for implementation.


  1. Understand the rationale for the SBP targets in the KDIGO guideline
  2. Understand the importance of BP measurement technique
  3. Understand the effects of BP lowering on risk of cardiovascular disease and on the progression of CKD

Further Reading

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