Tag - patient advocacy

Raising the Profile of Kidney Disease: ISN Advocates for Global Awareness at UNGA – Sign and Share the Petition!

In September, the ISN had a powerful presence at UNGA79, successfully raising awareness of the human and economic burden of kidney disease while garnering support from Member States to promote kidney health within the broader noncommunicable disease (NCD) agenda. The ISN’s aims at the event were threefold: Raise awareness about the urgent need to prioritize kidney...

What Does Kidney Health Mean to You? Defining Kidney Health Together to Improve Patient Resources – Take the ISN Survey!

Take the two-minute survey here Toward ensuring our resources remain relevant and practical for patients, the ISN has developed a survey to gather definitions of 'kidney health' from the international kidney community. In addition, the ISN invites participants to share patient resources they would like to add to the "Resources for People Living With Kidney Disease"...

Sharing a Valuable Tool to Assess Kidney Disease Risks: Meet the ISN Healthy Kidneys Champions and Join Their Efforts!

ISN Healthy Kidneys Champions - members of ISN’s regional boards- are leading the dissemination of the "Are Your Kidneys Healthy?" one-minute online quiz. This quiz, available in 26 languages, helps people understand their risk for kidney disease and know when to talk to their healthcare professional. Find out more about how ISN Healthy Kidneys Champions are promoting...

The ISN Supports Groundbreaking Advances in Addressing Transplantation Issues at the 77th World Health Assembly

The @ISBT128 presented at #WHA77 a constituency statement on the Transplantation of Human Cells, Tissues, and Organs, signed by the ISN and key stakeholders. Holistic kidney transplantation care is crucial for saving lives and improving outcomes.Download the statement here:… pic.twitter.com/W6vqtr57It— Int Society of Nephrology (@ISNkidneycare) May 29, 2024 The ISN attended the 77th...

Prioritizing Kidney Care: The ISN and Devex to Hold Event on Lifesaving Kidney Therapies at the WHA77 on May 29

The ISN is collaborating with Devex for the second consecutive year to discuss expanding global kidney care. Register for the event online or in person here The event, “Advancing Kidney Care for All: Expanding Access to Lifesaving Therapies,” will take place on the occasion of the 77th session of the World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland, on May 29,...

Customize Your World Kidney Day Experience and Raise Awareness of Kidney Disease – Create an Account to Explore Exciting Features of the New WKD Website!

World Kidney Day (WKD) has launched a brand new website! Watch this video to get to know the upgraded WKD website and its exciting new features: WKD Youtube Designed to enhance the online journey for thousands of WKD participants worldwide, this user-friendly platform was developed to facilitate the advancement of the WKD mission to raise global awareness...

“To Protect the Kidneys, You Need to Protect the Heart”: Valerie Luyckx Represents the ISN at the European Society of Cardiology’s Congress

Valerie Luyckx, ISN Advocacy Working Group chair, was invited to join a panel of experts at the World Heart Federation's Heart Café Session "Navigating the Complex Relationship Between Chronic Kidney Disease and Cardiovascular Complications," held as part of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Congress in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Watch a recording of the event...

High-level Stakeholders Discuss Innovative Solutions for Green Kidney Care at the European Kidney Forum

The European Kidney Health Alliance (EKHA), of which the ISN is a full board member, held its annual European Kidney Forum in June alongside the MEP Group for Kidney Health. The meeting brought together high-level stakeholders to discuss concrete and forward-looking solutions to the environmental burden of kidney care. This year's forum, "The Future of...

International Diabetes Federation (IDF) – ISN Joint Policy Brief on Living With Diabetes and Kidney Disease To Launch at Webinar on July 13

The ISN is pleased to announce that the joint IDF-ISN policy brief “Renewing the Fight: A Call to Action for Diabetes and Chronic Kidney Disease” will be launched at a webinar taking place on July 13, 2023, from 2-3.15 p.m. CEST. Register for the webinar here. Aimed at advocates, healthcare professionals, and policymakers involved with people...

ISN Patient Liaison Advisory Group Members Report on Recent Activities Highlighting the Importance of the Voices of People Living with Kidney Disease to Improve Kidney Care

Mr. Manvir Victor (center with hat and sunglasses) alongside participants at the third "Transplant Awareness Walk" that took place in May in Kuala Lumpur Mr. Manvir Victor, past chair and member of the ISN Patient Liaison Advisory Group, reports on transplant awareness walks in Malaysia: "The third consecutive monthly "Transplant Awareness Walk" took place the last...

The ISN Joined European Event to Celebrate 80th Anniversary of Dialysis

As a European Kidney Health Alliance (EKHA) member, the ISN was pleased to participate in the film screening and roundtable, "Celebrating 80 Years for Dialysis: Time Again for Science-Fiction to Meet Reality," organized by the EKHA at the European Parliament in Brussels on April 26, 2023. Hosted by MEPs Ondřej Knotek and Martin Buschmann, co-chair of the MEP...

Four Statements and a Stand-alone Event – the ISN Advocates for Better Kidney Health for All at the 76th World Health Assembly

Four Statements and a Stand-alone Event - the ISN Advocates for Better Kidney Health at the 76th World Health Assembly The ISN is pleased to announce its participation at the 76th World Health Assembly (WHA) in Geneva from May 21 to 30, 2023. Working alongside partners in the NCD Alliance and the World Heart Federation,...

Download World Kidney Day Logo, Visuals, and Call-to-Action; Multiple Languages Available!

The 2023 World Kidney Day (WKD) theme "Kidney Health for All – Preparing for the Unexpected, Supporting the Vulnerable!" and call-to-action are available in Chinese (simple and traditional), French, German, Hindi (coming soon), Italian, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Swahili! The WKD logo and WKD 2023 campaign visuals are also available in different languages. Use this...

The ISN-Italian Society of Nephrology Joint Session on IgA Nephropathy Now Available to Watch on the ISN Academy

Watch the video here. The 63rd Annual Congress of the Italian Society of Nephrology (SIN) was held in October 2022 in Rimini, Italy. The ISN presented a joint session with SIN, "Treatment of IgA Nephropathy: Shall we select the Drug or the Patient?" presented by Rossana Coppo, chair of the ISN Western European Regional Board. 

Make a Short Film to Raise Awareness of the Impact of Kidney Diseases for the ISN Community Film Event

The ISN Community Film Event provides a powerful platform to showcase compelling stories about those affected by kidney diseases. Your short film will help raise awareness of preventative health measures and the need for equitable access to kidney care services, helping to improve patient outcomes worldwide. Selected films reach a global audience at the World Congress of Nephrology. Find out...

The ISN Makes Recommendations in the Review of Updated Appendix 3 to the WHO Global NCD Action Plan

The ISN has officially submitted its list of comments on the recently published 2nd draft of the updated Appendix 3 to the “Global Action Plan for the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) 2013–2030” to the World Health Organization (WHO). Designed to support the implementation of the action plan's six objectives, Appendix 3 outlines...