Advocacy Activities

World Kidney Day 2015: Thank you everybody

After a great World Kidney Day (WKD) on March 13, 2015, the WKD team would like to thank all participants for making this 10th edition really special. The results of this year’s campaign reveal how successful you all were in drumming up attention and raising awareness about kidney disease. More than 500 events were organized...

Safer transplants for all

The last seven years have seen The Declaration of Istanbul Custodian Group (DICG) guide and help governments as well as medical and patient communities in response to illegal organ trafficking. Organ transplantation is one of the life-saving medical break- throughs of the 20th century. However, vulnerable people in poor regions have become victim of illegal...

Join the PAHO-organized WKD webinar on March 12, 2015

The Department of Non-communicable Diseases and Mental Health of The Pan American Health Organization (part of WHO), in collaboration with the Latin American Society of Nephrology and Hypertension, and as part of the activities to mark World Kidney Day, is organising a webinar on Kidney Health for All. The webinar will take place on Thursday,...