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1st Oxford conference on IgA Nephropathy

Magdalen College, Oxford will be the location for a IgA Nephropathy meeting taking place from June 25  to 26, 2014. The event is organized by the International IgA Nephropathy Network with the endorsement of ISN and the Renal Pathology Society. The aim of the meeting will be to review the Oxford Classification of IgA nephropathy in the light of recent data, discussing whether there should be published modifications of the Oxford Classification 2009.

The conference is being held in June 2014, five years after the publication of the Oxford Classification in Kidney International.  The conference will be held at Magdalen College, Oxford, where the original meetings developing the Oxford Classification were held in 2005 and 2008.

Local organisers include Ian Roberts, Terry Cook, Jonathan Barratt, John Feehally.

Researchers are invited to present biopsy data from retrospective clinicopathological studies and clinical trials performed since the publication of the Oxford Classification.

We are expecting the following delegates to attend:

  • Nephrologists and pathologists involved in the original development o the Oxford Classification
  • Investigators who have subsequently published or presented ‘validation studies’ of the Oxford Classification
  • Investigators who have data using novel biopsy markers in IgA nephropathy which together with conventional pathological features may improve the prognostic value of the biopsy in IgA nephropathy.

The program will include invited speakers, free communications (both oral and poster) and substantial time for plenary discussion.

For further information about registration, accommodation, and abstract submission, CLICK HERE.


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