Tag - kidney function

Latest ISN Journal Editorial Selection

Kidney International KDIGO Conference Report on Home Dialysis Controversies  The Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) conference, held in May 2021, sought to address the global underutilization of home dialysis therapies and identify approaches and strategies to expand their use. The conference also addressed the financial implications of home dialysis and how best to improve the...

Discover the Latest Video Abstracts 

Watch the latest ISN video abstracts from the @ISNeducation Social Media Team here.  The videos are based on papers from Kidney International and Kidney International Reports:  Discovery of Seven Novel Putative Antigens in Membranous Nephropathy and Membranous Lupus Nephritis Identified by Mass Spectrometry   Results From Part A of the Multi-center, Double-blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled NeflgArd Trial, Which Evaluated Targeted-release...

Help Increase Kidney Care Capacity in Your Region: Apply by June 1 for an Interventional Nephrology Scholarship

The ISN is currently inviting applications for ISN Interventional Nephrology Scholarships. The deadline to apply is June 1, 2023. Start your application here. These short courses offer training in interventional nephrology procedures to ISN members from low- and middle-income countries. Successful applicants will train in CVC placement, PD catheter insertion, kidney biopsy, and endovascular procedures at ISN...

The ISN “Are Your Kidneys Healthy?” Quiz Now Available in Bahasa Indonesia – Encourage Your Patients to Take the Quiz!

The one-minute quiz is now available in 15 languages – Amharic, Arabic, Bahasa Indonesia, Bangla, Chinese, English, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Uzbek. Take the quiz here. If you would like to help ISN increase the quiz's reach by translating it into your language, please get in touch with Monica at mmoorthy@theisn.org.

Watch Two Groundbreaking Films From the 1970s on Vascular-Tubular Relationships in the Mammalian Kidney – Now Available in the ISN Academy Archives

Lise Bankir, ISN emeritus member and "Directeur de Recherche Emérite" at INSERM (the French Institute of Health and Medical Research), has kindly donated the films: "The Human Kidney: Tubules, Blood Vessels and Vascular-Tubular Relations" and "The Vascular and Tubular Organization of the (Dog) Kidney" Watch the films here. These historical, yet clinically still relevant, films were independently produced in...

What Is the Kidney Function of Workers Exposed to Heat Stress After a Two-year Follow-up?

The paper "Kidney Function in Factory Workers Exposed to Heat Stress - a 2-year Follow-up Study" by Fabiana Nerbass has been published in the Journal of Occupational of Environmental Medicine. Read the article here.  The research highlights the value of collaboration among investigators, organizations and communities. Fabiana Nerbass, from Fundação Pró-Rim in Joinville, Brazil, received the...

What Are the Prerequisites for Early Identification of CKD? Find Out in Case Studies From ISN Members

Over the last 18 months, a group of ISN members has developed a series of case studies to illustrate how different countries implement early chronic kidney disease (CKD) detection programs. The researchers identified a list of prerequisites for successful early detection of CKD. Read the paper here. Countries included in the research are Taiwan, Uruguay, Canada, the...

Preventing and Treating Common and Imported Infections – ISN Frontiers Meeting-New Delhi Chair, Saraladevi Naicker, Presents Highlights From Day Three of the Scientific Program on Kidneys and Infections – Two Days Left to Register at the Regular Rate!

The ISN Frontiers Meeting on bi-directional relationships between infections and kidney diseases will take place in New Delhi, India, from September 22-25, 2022. Only two days left to register for the meeting at the regular price here. The deadline is midnight CEST, August 24. We asked Frontiers Meeting New-Delhi Chair Saraladevi Naicker to tell us about...

The ISN Supports South Africa Renal Association Congress – Apply for Support from the CME Program for Your Congress

Delegates at the South Africa Renal Association Congress   The ISN recently supported Wesam Ismail, chair of the ISN Renal Pathology Working Group and African Regional Board Member, to present a talk on basic histology and laboratory practice at the South Africa Renal Congress 2022, Durban, South Africa. Presenting virtually, ISN Past President Vivek Jha gave the...

Register Now for the ISN Frontiers “Infections and the Kidneys” Webinar: Advances in Infectious Disease Diagnostics; July 8, 2 p.m. CEST

Find out more and register here. Organized in collaboration with the Indian Society of Nephrology, the webinar is the second such broadcast in the lead-up to the specialized scientific program planned for the ISN Frontiers Meeting “Infections and the Kidneys, New Delhi, September 22 to 25. Infection frequently occurs in nephrology and kidney transplant practice. New point-of-care...

A New Technique for Preserving Kidney Grafts

The Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc Transplantation Centre and the Institute of Experimental and Clinical Research (IREC) at the Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL) in Belgium recently developed an innovative method for preserving kidney grafts using oxygen.  On March 20, 2022, two kidneys, donated after circulatory death, were successfully transplanted by Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc after they had...

Discover Highlights from a Successful First iNET-CKD Webinar on Building a Cohort Study

Would you like to understand the key design elements of a cohort study and learn how to draft a study protocol? Watch the first iNET-CKD webinar, "Building a Cohort Study: Insight from Investigators," here. More than 200 people attended the webinar on May 10, generating a lively conversation on Twitter: Access the thread here. Participants came...

Share Your Research and Advance Your Career: Prepare Your WCN’23 Abstract Submission

WCN’23 abstract submission is now open. Contribute to the progress and reach of kidney-related research and make your mark within the international kidney care community.   Submit your abstract here.  Accepted abstracts will have the opportunity to get noticed by internationally renowned kidney experts at one of the world's largest kidney care events - accepted abstracts will...

Get the Latest News from the Declaration of Istanbul Custodian Group Newsletter

Read the current issue of the Declaration of Istanbul on Organ Trafficking and Transplant Tourism (DICG) newsletter here.  The DICG is a joint initiative of the ISN and the Transplantation Society.  This edition features:  New members of the DICG council  "Transplantation in the Context of Migrants and Refugees: Challenges & Dilemmas" webinar  The DICG WCN'22 session on improving access...

Discover the Newly Launched Complement-Mediated Kidney Diseases Toolkit

The ISN has developed an educational toolkit to raise awareness of complement-mediated kidney diseases (CMKDs).    Discover the toolkit here.  CMKDs, although less well-known and considered rare, are an important and complex area of kidney health that needs to be better recognized to provide optimal care.  The toolkit is designed to increase understanding of CMKDs and support clinicians in their clinical practice.    Other...

ISN at JSN Annual Meeting in Japan

The 65th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Nephrology (JSN) will take place in hybrid format, June 10-12, 2022, in Kobe, Japan. ISN President Agnes Fogo and JSN President Naoki Kashihara will chair a joint ISN-JSN session on Sunday, June 12, from 9-11 a.m. Japan Standard Time, which will include talks from: · Agnes Fogo...

ISN at ISRNM Congress in China

The 20th Congress of the International Society of Renal Nutrition and Metabolism (ISRNM) will take place in a hybrid format, June 16-18, 2022, in Guangzhou, China.   The ISN and the ISRNM will hold a joint session on June 16 from 6:45-8 p.m. China Standard Time. The ‘Joint ISN-ISRNM Collaborative GKHA Session’ includes talks from:   David Johnson...