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Congratulations to the ISN Community Film Event Winners – Watch the Inspiring Films!

The ISN congratulates Sabarinath Shanmugham (India) on winning the 2023 ISN Community Film Event with the film Hope Sustains Life – Through the Lens of a CKD Woman.

The winning film, dedicated to “women living with kidney disease who are fighting with hope,” shows life for Chitra, a 60-year-old widow with terminal kidney failure.

Chitra has been working as a housekeeper in a nephrology department for over ten years in the same hospital where she receives weekly dialysis for her condition, which was diagnosed three years ago.

Over the years, Chitra has seen many female patients drop out of treatment. She suggests this may be due to social and family pressures. She urges women living with kidney diseases to continue their treatment, despite the challenges commenting, “See me! I am living with confidence and hope despite having terminal kidney failure.”

Congratulations also go to Jaime Restrepo (Colombia) on winning the “WKD 2023 Best Film” with “Overcoming the Remoteness With Love for a Kidney Transplantation.”

Ten-year-old Anderson, from a remote village in the Colombian pacific region, suffered from recurrent urinary tract infections since birth. Since the healthcare facilities where he lives are minimal, he did not receive a diagnosis. His kidney health deteriorated, leading to the need for weekly dialysis 179 km away at the Fundacion Valle de Lili in Cali.

Anderson received a kidney transplant with one of his mother’s kidneys, transforming their lives. She comments, “Everything is well!”

The winner(s) were announced last week at WCN’23.

The ISN thanks all who submitted films to the event and those who voted.

The ISN Community Film Event is supported by Novartis.
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