Access the New ISN Toolkit on Optimizing SGLT2i Therapy and a Brand New Tool on MRAs
The Optimization of SGLT2i Therapy Toolkit* is the latest educational offering from a multi-society cardio-kidney-metabolic initiative led by the ISN. This initiative offers resources for advancing the prevention and management of cardio-kidney-metabolic complications. The toolkit highlights the crucial role of SGLT2 inhibitors in improving outcomes for patients with both kidney and cardiovascular diseases.
The SGLT2i Therapy toolkit offers focused, practical infographics designed as quick-reference guides for nephrologists, cardiologists and other healthcare professionals involved in the multidisciplinary care of patients with cardio-kidney-metabolic complications.
Key resources include visual guides on these topics:
- Nuts and Bolts of SGLT2i Therapy in the Intersection of Kidney and Cardiovascular Disease
- Practical Points for SGLT2 Inhibitor Usage
- How to Mitigate Adverse Effects of SGLT2 Inhibitors
- SGLT2 Inhibitor Cold Map
- Talking to Your Patients About SGLT2 Inhibitor Therapy
- Understanding SGLT2 Inhibitor Therapy for Patients
In addition, a new tool on mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists**(MRAs) has been added to the Optimization of RAASi Toolkit. This new infographic shows the indications for starting MRAs, providing information on both steroidal and nonsteroidal MRAs to help healthcare professionals manage patients with cardio-kidney risks. Other resources in the RAASi Toolkit also cover MRAs, highlighting their vital role in heart failure and kidney disease management.
Access additional resources developed as part of the broader cardio-kidney-metabolic initiative here.
*The Optimization of SGLT2i Therapy Toolkit is supported by unrestricted educational grants from AstraZeneca and Boehringer Ingelheim and its alliance partner, Lilly.
**The MRA tool is supported by Bayer.