Author - jbrown

How to Write a Winning Abstract in Ten Easy Stages

Watch the webinar “Winning Steps for a Successful WCN’24 Abstract Submission and Beyond.” It’s abstract submission season! How can you write a good abstract that will get accepted to WCN’24? WCN’24 abstract reviewers Sabine Karam, Magdalena Madero, Roberto Pecoits-Filho and Rob Walker have got you covered! Follow their foolproof advice on writing a winning abstract...

Meet ISN Sister and Get Tips on Applying to the Program: Register for the Webinar on August 29

Register for the webinar here. The Sister Centers Programs create partnerships between kidney and transplant  centers in low-resource countries and well-established centers to provide educational support to improve kidney care in emerging regions. Leaders of the ISN Sister Renal Centers and ISN-TTS Sister Transplant Centers and ISN staff will host a webinar session* to answer your...

Honor Those Making Outstanding Contributions to Kidney Care: Send Your ISN Award Nominations by August 31

Last year, Professor Terry Watnick won the Lillian Jean Kaplan International Prize for Advancement in the Understanding of Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD). Professor Watnick was involved in developing the first genetic test for autosomal dominant PKD and helped make important discoveries about PKD's genetic basis. The deadline for nominating a deserving colleague for their work in...

“The Stepping Stone It Gives You as an Individual is Just Phenomenal. Don’t Hesitate  –  Just Apply!”: Elliot Koranteng Tannor on His Experience in the First ELP Cohort

Elliot Koranteng Tannor (Ghana) applied for the Emerging Leaders Program (ELP) to build on his existing leadership skills and learn more from experts. In this short video, find out how the ELP has benefited Elliot Tannor. He comments, "Leadership…is not only about what you do in the clinic..but how you connect…collaborate, and how you are able...

“A Unique Experience With Involvement That Extends Far Beyond the Official Duration of the Program”: ELP Cohort 1 in Kidney International Reports®

"Nurturing Global Leadership, Advocacy, Research, and Collegiality: The Unique Experience of the International Society of Nephrology Emerging Leaders Program," by the first ISN Emerging Leaders Program (ELP) cohort, presents a collective account of the program's activities and the skills and lessons learned from participating. The ELP members state that the most valuable impact of the...

Help Shape the Global Kidney Care Landscape: Download, Use and Share the ISN-Global Kidney Health Atlas Region-specific Summary Slides

The ISN-Global Kidney Health Atlas (ISN-GKHA) team has produced region-specific summary slides from the 2023 ISN-GKHA edition. Access the documents* here: Africa, Eastern and Central Europe, Latin America, Middle East, NIS and Russia, North America and the Caribbean, North and East Asia, Oceania and South East Asia, South Asia, Western Europe. Why are these slides useful? This...

Learn From the International Kidney Care Community – Watch an ISN Webinar on Overcoming Kidney Care Challenges in the North America and Caribbean Region

A panel of experts* presented different strategies and initiatives that have been used to help overcome challenges in kidney care in the North America and Caribbean (NAC) region. Watch "Kidney Disease in the Caribbean: Lessons from Successes and Paths to New Discoveries" here. Learn from your colleagues in the NAC region to further kidney care where...

The ISN President to Deliver Talk at 58th ANZSN Annual Scientific Meeting in New Zealand

The "58th ANZSN Annual Scientific Meeting & Auxiliary Meetings," organized by the Australian and New Zealand Society of Nephrology, will be held from September 2-6, 2023, in Otautahi Christchurch, New Zealand. The ISN President Masaomi Nangaku's pre-recorded remarks will be available via the mobile congress application during the congress. The Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) will...

Latest ISN Journal Summaries

Kidney International ® Editorial Selections The Power of “Negative” Experiments: Harry Goldblatt’s Pathway to Discovering How Renal Ischemia Causes Hypertension The author demonstrates that Harry Goldblatt’s willingness to conduct and publish studies with negative outcomes led to a fundamental understanding of blood pressure control within less than a decade of his initial discovery, published in...

Reach a Global Audience: Submit Your Abstracts to WCN’24. Need Guidance? Watch the ISN Webinar on Writing a Successful Abstract

Share knowledge and raise your profile in the international kidney care community: Present your research findings to a global audience. Submit your abstracts here. The submission deadline is October 31, 2023. Watch a recording of the ISN webinar “Steps for a Successful WCN'24 Abstract Submission and Beyond!" for tips on writing a winning abstract from...

“I Was Never Going to Be a Nephrologist Until I Met Him”: How the Late Stewart Cameron Influenced Generations of Nephrologists

John Stewart Cameron 1934 -2023 The global kidney care community lost a giant last month with the passing of highly esteemed and much-loved nephrologist Professor John Stewart Cameron. Professor Cameron had a huge presence at the ISN. He was president from 1993-95 and received the Jean Hamburger Award in 2003. An annual World Congress of Nephrology...

The Smart Kidney, the Kidney Under Challenge and More – Discover WCN’24 Themes and the Program-at-a-Glance

The World Congress of Nephrology 2024 (WCN'24) will be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from April 13-16. It is co-hosted by the Argentinian Society of Nephrology and the Latin American Society of Nephrology and Hypertension. Congress themes Five kidney care themes guide the scientific program: Theme 1: Better Kidney Health Including preventive and environmental science, population health science,...

Family, Friends and Colleagues Join Juan Abraham Bermúdez in Mexico as He Receives the ISN Latin America Pioneer Award

In an emotional ceremony, Adeera Levin and Magdalena Madero* presented Juan Abraham Bermúdez with the ISN 2023 Pioneer Award for the ISN Latin America region at the Instituto Mexicano de Investigaciones Nefrologicas last month, as Dr. Bermudez’s family, friends, and colleagues looked on. Commenting on his award, Dr. Bermúdez shared a personal formula that has...

WCN’23 Sessions Are Now Available at the ISN Academy!

The WCN'23 scientific program featured 230 speakers from 44 countries. This content is now available to watch at your convenience here. The WCN'23's scientific program is FREE for ISN members and WCN'23 attendees and $45 for non-members (join the ISN or renew your membership here - now with 50% off!). To access the content, log in to your ISN...

Register for the 17th International Symposium on IgA Nephropathy in Tokyo

The meeting will be held in a hybrid forum from September 28 – 30, 2023. Find out more here. The program will present the latest findings on the pathogenesis and treatment of IgAN. A pre-conference meeting will provide a platform for exchange between physicians, researchers, and stakeholders, including patients, to advance effective treatment. If you have any questions,...

Listen to the Discussion on ISN’s First Consensus Guidance for Pre-clinical Animal Studies in Translational Nephrology (TRANSFORM) with Fergus Caskey, Masaomi Nangaku and Agnes Fogo

Fergus Caskey, chair of the ISN Research Working Group, interviews ISN President Masaomi Nangaku and immediate Past President Agnes Fogo on the first guidance for the optimal conduct of translational animal studies for developing new drugs to treat kidney disease. Listen to the ISN Global Kidney Care Podcast here. Learn about: The initiative’s goal of improving translational...

The ISN and the Indian Society of Nephrology Extend Partnership

Since 2015, the ISN and the Indian Society of Nephrology (Indian SN) have enjoyed collaborating on kidney care initiatives in India and South Asia. The two societies recently signed a new memorandum of understanding to continue and build upon their existing partnership. This partnership seeks to advance regional capacity building through ISN Granting programs such...

The ISN Supports Kidney Care Education at French Language Congress in Africa Through the CME Program

The "2ème Cours International de Néphrologie et 1er Congrès de la Société Congolaise de Néphrologie" will take place from August 21-25, 2023, in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo. The ISN Continuing Medical Education (CME) Program will support Dr. Thierry Lobbedez (France), Dr. Faguer Stanislas (France) and Dr. Michel Jadoul (Belgium) to travel to the conference...