World Kidney Day

Listen to the World Kidney Day Special Edition of the ISN Global Kidney Care Podcast

The Global Kidney Care Podcast (GKCP) has recorded a special WKD episode, "World Kidney Day: Health Literacy, a Call for All Nephrologists." Listen to the special WKD edition of the GKCP here. In this episode, Roberto Pecoits-Filho and Smeeta Sinha discuss the history of WKD and the 2022 campaign theme and goals with members of the WKD Steering...

Read the World Kidney Day Scientific Editorial in Kidney International

The World Kidney Day (WKD) Steering Committee submits an annual scientific editorial to a range of medical journals as part of WKD efforts to increase kidney disease awareness. Read this year's editorial, "Kidney health for all: bridging the gap in kidney health education and literacy," in Kidney International here. Find a summary of the article on...

Take Part in the WKD #ShowYourKidneys Social Media Challenge

The World Kidney Day (WKD) online challenge #ShowYourKidneys is a fun way to highlight where the kidneys are in the body and what they do. It's easy to take part! Take a picture of yourself - front or back view - using your fists to indicate the location of your kidneys. Add a special kidney-themed frame to your photo: Download here. Share...

#ShowYourKidneys and Encourage Your Patients to Show Theirs! 

World Kidney Day (WKD) has launched a new social media challenge, #ShowYourKidneys.   The online challenge, part of ongoing activities to mark WKD 2022, highlights where kidneys are in the body and what they do. How do you take part?   Take a picture of yourself - front or back view - using your fists to indicate the location of your kidneys.  Add a special...

Meet the Official World Kidney Day 2022 Supporters

The ISN is pleased to present the World Kidney Day 2022 supporters. This year, the campaign centers on efforts to increase education and awareness of kidney health to reduce the stubbornly high CKD knowledge gap at all levels of kidney care. Our campaign supporters are building a collection of patient-focused and educational resources to bridge this...

World Kidney Day 2022: Discover and Use the Social Media Toolkit and Online Shop  

Explore the World Kidney Day (WKD) 2022 social media toolkit here. The toolkit is packed with information and resources to help you promote the WKD 2022 campaign theme 'Kidney health for all: Bridge the knowledge gap to better kidney care'. The toolkit, including text and visuals, presents different social media platforms and explains how best to...

New Resources Available to Support World Kidney Day Campaign

Check out a new section of the World Kidney Day (WKD) website hosting our campaign supporters' growing collection of patient-focused and educational resources. Discover WKD supporters and explore their free resources here. This year’s mission focuses on bridging the knowledge gaps to better kidney care. WKD supporters share their resources to tackle the CKD knowledge gap...

Download the 2022 World Kidney Day Theme in Your Language and Contribute Your Kidney Health Story to the Campaign

To spread the 2022 World Kidney Day (WKD) theme, "Kidney Health for All," as widely as possible and promote the call to action to bridge knowledge gaps to better kidney care, a selection of WKD web pages are now available in Arabic, Chinese (simple and traditional), French, Greek, Hindi, Italian, Russian, Spanish, and Swahili. The ISN encourages...

Kidney Health for All: Welcome to the World Kidney Day 2022 Campaign

The World Kidney Day (WKD) 2022 campaign has been launched in anticipation of WKD on Thursday, March 10, 2022. The WKD Joint Steering Committee has declared 2022 the year of “Kidney Health for All,” with the campaign focusing on bridging knowledge gaps to improve kidney health through increased kidney care education and awareness in the...

Celebrating ISN Collective-Member Societies: The Nephrology Society of Thailand

WKD T-shirts produced by the NST as part of World Kidney Day 2021 Activities Continuing ISN's current focus on presenting Collective-Member Societies in the ISN Oceania and South East Asia region, we spoke to Worawon Chailimpamontree, chair of the CKD prevention subcommittee, the Nephrology Society of Thailand (NST), about celebrating World Kidney Day (WKD) and...

Successful World Kidney Day Campaign Widely Shared Online

World Kidney Day (WKD) took place on March 11. This year’s campaign highlighted the importance of living well with kidney disease to improve patients’ life quality. With the COVID-19 pandemic still impacting everyday lives, online activities were increased to include a podcast, webinars, and video messages. The WKD 2021 campaign reached 164 million people on Twitter on March 11, with #worldkidneyday gaining almost 228 million...

World Kidney Day Unites the Nephrology Community with WKD Webinar; Brussels’ Icon Dressed in WKD Colors

The ISN and the IFKF-WKA broadcast a World Kidney Day 2021 Webinar, “Living well with kidney disease,” bringing together the WKD community to mark the occasion despite ongoing restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A recording of the WKD Webinar will shortly be available on the ISN Academy. ISN President Vivek Jha and IFKF-WKA President Siu-Fai...

Improved Patient-Centered Care for People Living with Kidney Disease: The WKD Position Paper Available Now

The World Kidney Day 2021 position paper, “Towards patient-centered care for people living with kidney disease,” presents top-line evidence, context, and call-to-actions for anyone advocating for patient-centered kidney care and decision-making. Central to the paper is the conviction that kidney care at all levels, policy, research, and management, is most effective when developed in partnership with patients...

The World Kidney Day Webinar on March 11: Bringing Together the Community for Kidney Health

World Kidney Day 2021: Living well with kidney disease will be broadcast at two different time slots on World Kidney Day (WKD), March 11, 2021: 11 March, 11 a.m. CET and 10 p.m. CET. Use a time zone converter to select a session. Register here. The webinar, featuring prominent figures in kidney health, will bring together the WKD...

World Kidney Day (WKD) 2021: Social Media Toolkit and Resource Library Available Now

The World Kidney Day (WKD) 2021 social media toolkit is now available on the WKD website. The toolkit contains information and resources to develop your social media campaign to raise awareness of kidney health and spread WKD’s message: Living well with kidney disease. The toolkit proposes ideas to help you create your own social media campaign, including visuals...

World Kidney Day: Tools to Start a Local Campaign

The 2021 World Kidney Day Campaign (WKD) content is now available in Arabic, Chinese (simple and traditional), French, Greek, Italian, Russian, Spanish, and Thai. These newly translated pages include details of the 2021 WKD theme and call for action to facilitate local awareness-raising activities. A series of WKD 2021 campaign images presenting the 2021 focus on living...