Declaration of Istanbul

Share Your Experience to Improve Care for Patients Receiving Transplants Abroad

The ISN invites you to participate in an important anonymous online survey, "International Travel for Organ Transplantation: Surveying Professionals' Experience," led by Professor Dominique Martin and Dr. Georgina Irish from Deakin University and the University of Adelaide, Australia. Complete the survey in: English Spanish French Mandarin This study builds on a pilot survey conducted in 2022 with findings recently published...

Help Combat Organ Trafficking: Support the DICG’s Campaign for World Day Against Trafficking in Persons

The Declaration of Istanbul Custodian Group (DICG) has launched a campaign to participate in the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime’s World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, held on July 30. Access DICG resources on organ trafficking here The DICG’s theme for the campaign is “Recognizing Red Flags for Organ Trafficking,” highlighting warning signs that...

Catch Up on Recent and Upcoming DICG Activities – Their Latest Newsletter is Out Now! 

 Read the current issue of the Declaration of Istanbul on Organ Trafficking and Transplant Tourism (DICG) newsletter here.  The DICG is a joint initiative of the ISN and The Transplantation Society  This edition features:  Registration for the DICG Pre-congress Satellite Symposium on Sunday, September 22, at the 30th International Congress of The Transplantation Society (TTS 2024) in...

Catch Up on Recent and Upcoming DICG Activities

Read the current issue of the Declaration of Istanbul on Organ Trafficking and Transplant Tourism (DICG) newsletter here. The DICG is a joint initiative of the ISN and The Transplantation Society This edition features: TTS-DICG joint session on "Organ Trade, Trafficking, and Transplant Tourism: Government's and Scientific Societies' Responsibilities” at the "29th International Congress of The Transplant...

Discover the Latest Edition of the DICG Newsletter

Read the current issue of the Declaration of Istanbul on Organ Trafficking and Transplant Tourism (DICG) newsletter here. The DICG is a joint initiative of the ISN and the Transplantation Society This edition focuses on: A year in review New endorsing societies 2022 DICG council and executive committee members DICG group registry on trafficking Upcoming webinar, "Transplantation in the context of...

Read the Latest News on Organ Trafficking and Transplant Tourism

The July edition of the Declaration of Istanbul on Organ Trafficking and Transplant Tourism (DICG) newsletter is now available. Read the DICG newsletter here. The current issue highlights: A report on the Pontifical Academy of Sciences Workshop held in June 2021. The most recent data from the WHO-ONT Global Observatory on worldwide activity in organ transplantation. Recognizing past and...

Read the Latest DICG Newsletter

The latest issue of the Declaration of Istanbul on Organ Trafficking and Transplant Tourism (DICG) newsletter is now available. Read the DICG newsletter here. The current edition highlights: The launch of an open-access "DICG Course on Ethical Issues In Transplantation and The Declaration of Istanbul." New laws and regulations on organ donation and transplantation. The Global Kidney Exchange. A video...

New: Read the DICG Newsletter

The Declaration of Istanbul on Organ Trafficking and Transplant Tourism (DICG), a joint initiative of the Transplantation Society and the ISN, has begun publishing a monthly newsletter. Read the second issue of the DICG newsletter here. The current edition highlights: A message from the Co-Chair of the DICG, Sanjay Nagral. Recent news articles related to the...

Strengthening kidney transplant programs in Guatemala

In 2013, a sister center partnership was set up between University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and Fundanier (sponsored by ISN and The Transplantation Society). The ultimate goal of this collaboration was to establish a deceased donor program in Guatemala. Thanks to training and engaged political efforts, the teams are setting up the basis for...

Update to the Declaration of Istanbul on Organ Trafficking and Transplant Tourism

The first new edition of the Declaration of Istanbul on Organ Trafficking and Transplant Tourism, a seminal document that has helped to guide ethical practice in organ donation and transplantation around the world, was presented at an international workshop in Madrid, Spain. More than 100 people gathered to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Declaration...

Apply or make a nomination for the DICG Council

We are now calling for expressions of interest or nominations for two positions on the Declaration of Istanbul Custodian Group (DICG) Council. ISN ExCom and Council have decided that henceforward expressions of interest and nominations will be called for and decided on, using transparent and uniform processes, for leadership positions within ISN. Deadline is...

Contribute to Declaration of Istanbul on Organ Trafficking and Transplant Tourism update

Since 2010, ISN and the Transplantation Society led by the Declaration of Istanbul Custodian Group have encouraged the adoption of effective and ethical transplantation practices worldwide, including last year’s pontifical academy seminar calling for an end to organ trafficking. The declaration is now being updated to incorporate the latest criminal practices employed by organ traffickers....

ISN DICG at Vatican City Summit on organ trafficking and transplant tourism

I had the privilege of attending the Summit of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences on Organ Trafficking and Transplant Tourism in Vatican City, which was held in Vatican City on February 7 and 8, 2017. As a Society, ISN was present in multiple capacities. I was joined by ISN Declaration of Istanbul Custodian Group (DICG)...

ISN joins Vatican call against organ trafficking and transplant tourism

n February 7 and 8, 2017, ISN participated to the Summit of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences on Organ Trafficking and Transplant Tourism in Vatican City. ISN fully endorsed the Summit’s Statement, which calls on all religious, political and social leaders, national and international legislators to recognize that organ and human trafficking for organ removal are ‘true...

DICG activities at the TTS congress in Hong Kong

A Declaration of Istanbul Custodian Group (DICG) council meeting took place during The Transplant Society (TTS) congress in Hong Kong, with several Council members participating in person or via Skype. Key topics of discussion were plans for a 10th Anniversary meeting in 2018; potential projects of work for the DICG and methods of fundraising to...

COLLABORATING for safer kidney transplants globally

Organ transplantation is the best and frequently the only life-saving treatment for end-stage organ failure. According to the WHO, almost 80,000 kidney transplants were performed globally in 2013. Although impressive, it is estimated that the activity represents less than 10% of the global need. This situation of acute organ shortage has come with its own set...

Delmonico appointed to Pontifical Academy of Sciences

Francis Delmonico, Senior Advisor to the Declaration of Istanbul Custodian Group (DICG), has been appointed to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. ISN would like to congratulate him on this great achievement. Through the DICG, Delmonico has shown longstanding dedication in combating global organ trafficking, protecting its victims who are sourced for organs and helping exploited...

2016 DICG Board of Councilors and news updates

The Declaration of Istanbul Custodian Group’s (DICG) Board of Councilors has come to its annual transition-point. A third group of Councilors have completed their second three-year term and new members have now joined for a new term. Find out more and also get a roundup of the group's latest activities. The Declaration of Istanbul Custodian...

Safer transplants for all

The last seven years have seen The Declaration of Istanbul Custodian Group (DICG) guide and help governments as well as medical and patient communities in response to illegal organ trafficking. Organ transplantation is one of the life-saving medical break- throughs of the 20th century. However, vulnerable people in poor regions have become victim of illegal...

DICG heads to kidney transplantation talks in Croatia

Representatives from the Declaration of Istanbul Custodian Group (DICG) took part in meetings with representatives from the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia as well as Serbia organized by at the Croatian Ministry of Health in Zagreb, Croatia from October 14 to 15, 2014. A Federal Center for Transplantation within the Ministry of Health in...