
WCN 2015 abstract submissions: deadline is October 27, 2014

Do not miss out on sending your abstracts for the upcoming ISN World Congress of Nephrology (WCN), taking place in Cape Town, South Africa from March 13 to 17, 2014. Apply online before October 27, 2014. Showcasing scientific work is a major part of the congress so if you are planning to submit any abstracts we...

Call for ISN Clinical Research and Prevention Program proposals

The call is now open to apply for the ISN Clinical Research and Prevention Program. Deadline for applications is October 1st, 2014. The Research and Prevention Committee promotes research and education programs in low to middle income countries while involving local nephrologists, health workers and authorities. The committee funds small research projects to detect and...

Prof. Y.K Seedat receives ISN Pioneer Award

ISN is happy to announce that Prof. Y.K. Seedat is the proud winner of an ISN Pioneer Award. ISN Educational Ambassador Program Chair Saraladevi Naicker presented him with the award at the recent South African Renal Society Congress on August 17, 2014. ISN Pioneer Awards honor the 'unsung heroes' of nephrology. They reward doctors on...

ISN Regional Workshop reinforces ties with Latin America

The ISN Regional Committee for Latin America organized a Regional Workshop during the XVII Congress of the Sociedad Latino Americana de Nefrologia y Hipertension (SLANH) held in Santiago, Chile, from August 20 to 24, 2014. A great means to communicate and share ideas between nephrologists in the region and ISN leaders, the workshop also helped...

World Kidney Day 2015 – Kidney Health for All

The World Kidney Day team is excited to announce the theme for the upcoming campaign. This time World Kidney Day will be celebrated on March 12, 2015 under the tagline Kidney Health for All. We are not all equal regarding kidney disease and access to treatment. Some communities in higher and lower income countries are at greater...

ISN Sister Renal Center Program application deadline: September 15, 2014

Mark your calendar for the ISN Sister Renal Center Program application deadline on September 15, 2014. If you are interested in applying for this ISN Program, make sure to send your application online before this date. CLICK HERE to find out more. The Sister Renal Center (SRC) program aims to enhance cooperation between nephrology centers worldwide. Its...

ISN Regional Workshop in Dubai this December

An ISN Program Regional Workshop is taking place on Saturday December 13, 2014 from 2 to 4 pm at the Intercontinental Hotel, Festival City, Dubai United Arab Emirates. If you are planning to attend the 12th Congress of the Arab Society of Nephrology and Renal Transplantation and 6th ISN - EMAN Update Course in Nephrology...

ISN-TTS Sister Transplant Center Program: application deadline September 15, 2014

Applications are now being accepted to join the ISN-TTS Sister Transplant Center Program. Deadline for applications is September 15, 2014.  To find out more about applying, CLICK HERE. For any questions, contact Christine Rugurika at the ISN Headquarters, e-mail: The ISN-TTS Sister Transplant Center Program is a joint partnership set up between ISN and The Transplantation Society (TTS)...

New ISN Educational Ambassador visits in collaboration with SLANH

ISN is pleased to announce that the Sociedad Latino Americana de Nefrologia y Hipertension (SLANH) has agreed to co-sponsor the Educational Ambassadors Program for a total amount of 10,000 USD a year, next to already supporting the ISN Fellowship Program for an amount of 14,000 USD every year.  Eligible candidates must come from Latin America and be a...

Submit your abstracts for WCN 2015

We have a fantastic World Congress of Nephrology (WCN) lined up for you taking place in Cape Town, South Africa from March 13-17, 2015. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to showcase your work to the worldwide nephrology community at this leading World Congress of Nephrology. Go to and submit your abstract before October 27, 2014. WCN...

ISN returns to Myanmar for CME

Because of previous political restrictions, this was the first ISN visit to Myanmar since the late 1990s when a number of visits were made involving senior ISN leaders (including Clarkson, Dirks, Schrier, Atkins and Kerr). During the restrictions, healthcare spending was severely restricted (1.5% of GDP). There has now been significant change with the...

KI impact factor grows in 2013

ISN is happy to announce that the 2013 impact factor for Kidney International (KI) has risen by almost 10% on last year to 8.520. This now places KI as third amongst 75 urology and nephrology journals, and second amongst nephrology journals. And KI Supplements, after being listed on Pubmed from this year, has achieved its first...

KI impact factor grows in 2013

Congratulations to Detlef Schlondorff and his team at Kidney International (KI) for the continued success of ISN’s flagship journal.  The 2013 impact factor for Kidney International has risen by almost 10% on last year to 8.520. This now places KI as third amongst 75 urology and nephrology journals, and second amongst nephrology journals.  And KI...

WCN 2015 abstract submissions and registration now open

Abstract submissions and registrations are now open for the next World Congress of Nephrology (WCN 2015) taking place in Cape Town, South Africa from March 13-17, 2015. 

Don’t miss the opportunity to showcase your work. CLICK HERE and submit your abstract before October 27, 2014. WCN 2015 not only offers a world-class scientific program but it also...

Death of Tareq Suhaimat

We regret to announce the death of ISN member,  Dr. Tareq Suhaimat.  He was the founder and the first President of the Jordan Society of Nephrology, the immediate Past-president of the Arab Society of Nephrology and Renal Transplantation, and in 2013 was the first recipient of the ISN Pioneer Award for the Middle East...

Memorial David Kerr

ISN is saddened to announce that past ISN councilor David Kerr passed away in April. To read a full obituary published on The Renal Association website CLICK HERE. A memorial in his honor will be held at the Royal College of Physicians in London on September 1st, 2014. To attend, CLICK HERE for further details. Aside from working with...