
Kidney Patients are Neglected in Clinical Trials

PRESS RELEASE July 9, 2019 Kidney Patients are Neglected in Clinical Trials The exclusion of patients with kidney diseases from clinical trials remains an unsolved problem that hinders optimal care of these patients. Over 850 million people suffer from kidney diseases worldwide, a number which signifies epidemic proportions, yet these patients are still ignored by investigators and...

ISN-ACT Global Trials Focus: CKD, dialysis and hypertension

This month, the first series of clinical trials curated by the ISN-Advancing Clinical Trials (ISN-ACT) team will get us thinking about nephrology research and encourage more discussion about chronic kidney disease, dialysis and hypertension: from PD catheter exit site care, the effectiveness of Roxadustat, to the initial treatment of hypertension in Sub-Saharan Africans and...

June in KI: Take time out for reading

This month, we have lots of new educational material for you to delve into. From new in-depth reviews in Kidney International (KI) to June's KI editor’s picks.  Big science and big data in nephrology Over the next few months, Kidney International (KI) will feature in-depth reviews on big science, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. This review, the first in this series, provides...

KI publishes paper on ESKD and Universal Health Coverage

Kidney International (KI) has published a paper, as a Supplement to its journal, focusing on increasing patient access to integrated end-stage kidney disease care (ESKD) and how this fits in with Universal Health Coverage . Authored by David Harris et al., the paper is entitled 'Increasing access to integrated ESKD care as part of Universal...

ISN H4KH Fellow visits Danone Nutricia Research Center

Thanks to his ISN Hydration for Kidney Health (H4KH) Fellowship, Amarasiri De Silva spent several days at the Danone Nutricia Research Center in France. It was a valuable and unique opportunity to meet other researchers and share his work on chronic kidney disease of unknown origin in Sri Lanka. As partners, Danone Nutricia Research and...

2018 KDIGO hepatitis C in CKD guideline now available!

An executive summary of the 2018 KDIGO hepatitis C in CKD guideline: Welcoming advances in evaluation and management is now available in Kidney International. Infection with the hepatitis C virus (HCV) has adverse liver, kidney, and cardiovascular consequences in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD), including those on dialysis therapy and in those with a...

Cost-effective machine set to change the future of dialysis care

With the amount of people needing dialysis set to double by 2030, the need for a cost-effective system has never been greater. Once market ready, this innovation could change access to treatment transforming dialysis practices in rural and remote settings and developing countries. Three years ago, research was published in The Lancet showing an overwhelming...

KI article shows the doubling incidence, prevalence and mortality of CKD

September's issue of Kidney international (KI) will feature an important article from Ziyad Al-Aly and colleagues, which uses Global Burden of Disease (GBD) data to show, in just one generation since 1990, an almost doubling of the incidence, prevalence and mortality of chronic kidney disease (CKD), and a more than 60% increase in disability-adjusted...

KI and KI Supplements impact factor 2017 now released

The 2017 impact factors have now been published. Find out more about how our publications have been rated! Kidney International’s (KI) 2017 Impact Factor has increased to 8.429 (a small increase over the 2016 IF of 8.395). Kidney International Supplements 2017 Impact Factor is 3.357 (a decrease from the 2016 IF of 5.593). KI ranks now...

The under-recognized epidemic: Worldwide, over 850 million people suffer from kidney diseases

Kidney diseases have so far been underestimated in many respects: most people are not aware of their impaired kidney function. In general, kidney diseases are “silent diseases”, most often there are no apparent early symptoms. Many people with kidney diseases are not aware that they have been living with higher risks of cardiovascular diseases, infections,...

Check out the CKD Summit papers in The Lancet and KI Supplements

Following March's second Global Kidney Health Summit in the United Arab Emirates, the outputs from this meeting are currently being written for publication. In the meantime, here is what came out the first Global Kidney Health Summit held in Canada in 2016. During the first ISN Global Kidney Health Summit, a selected group of 85 international key...

ISN support for CKD research in Nigeria

Children of African descent are three times more vulnerable to chronic kidney disease (CKD). There also exists limited data on the GFR-based evaluation of renal function in sub-Saharan Africa compared to hospital-based data, which may not be representative of the general population. An eight-month study supported by an ISN Clinical Research grant seeks to determine the prevalence of...

Supporting our programs: Meet KRUK and Renal Association

Our community helps us offer more training opportunities for our members.  Kidney Research UK and the Renal Association provide us with valuable support so that we can offer more educational opportunities to ISN members. As an ISN partner since 1990 and the leading charity committed to developing treatments, patient information and raising vital public awareness, Kidney...

Introducing the ISN Ethical Dialysis Taskforce

As part of the end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) focus, the ISN Ethical Dialysis Taskforce will publish reviews and position statements on ethical dialysis over the next few years. We already developed a first series of papers on ethical dialysis published in The Lancet. This will be relevant to emerging and developed countries. As a global society with...

Challenges of pediatric acute kidney injury in low- and middle-income countries

Acute kidney injury (AKI) is an increasingly significant yet underdiagnosed problem in pediatric care. In this latest Lancet update, colleagues from the International Pediatric Nephrology Association delve into international efforts to address this inequity, and what’s required from the World Health Organization and nephrology community to fulfil the 0by25 mission of zero preventable deaths from...

KI Reports: Heat stress and kidney health

One of this month’s most downloaded reports from Kidney International (KI) Reports is contributed by Fabiana Nerbass, winner of the ISN-H4KH New Investigator grant. This publication was made possible with valuable support from the ISN-H4KH New Investigator grant in partnership with Danone Nutricia. Fabiana Nerbass was awarded the funding in 2015.  Her research on “Occupational Heat Stress...

Going beyond the unknown

The Chronic Kidney Disease of Unknown Etiology (CKDu) Consortium sets out to educate us about the international effort to fight CKDu, helping to understand the causes and slow down the impact of this mysterious form of CKD.   Chronic Kidney Disease of Unknown Etiology (CKDu) constitutes a fatal and progressive loss of kidney function. It has...

Great news from SWC 2017 graduate in Nepal

Congratulations to Dr Kirshna Agarwal from Nepal, one of the 2017 ISN Scientific Writing Course (SWC) graduates. After attending one of the hands-on sessions of the course, he applied for a research grant at the Nepal Health Research Council, Ministry of Health. He was happy to let us know that his proposal was selected and...

Renal trials in diabetes need a platform: time for a global approach?

This recent commentary featured in The Lancet Diabetes Endocrinal 2017 focuses on the need for coordinated efforts and a large international database of patients with diabetes and nephropathy. It refers to ISN and its Advancing Clinical Trials group and Clinical Trial Networks who could be instrumental in achieving this objective. Read more HERE.