
CRRT 2014 Live broadcasts

CRRT 2014 Live broadcasts ISN Education teams up again this year with CRRT2014 to offer live broadcasts of selected plenary sessions from the 19th International Conference on Continuous Renal Replacement Therapies: Acute Kidney Injury: Controversies, Challenges and Solutions and Advances in Critical Care that will be held in San Diego from March 4-7, 2014. More details...

Request for applications: mini-sabbaticals in nephropathology

The International Society of Nephrology Renal Pathology Committee seeks applications for one mini-sabbatical for a nephropathologist from a developing country (as defined by the ISN) to provide partial support for short term in-depth study of renal pathology, by immersion in an established expert renal pathology laboratory for up to two weeks, in conjunction with...

Announcing WCN 2015

ISN is proud to announce that the next World Congress of Nephrology (WCN 2015) will take place in Cape Town, South Africa from March 13-17, 2015 ( WCN 2015 is a global ISN event hosted by the South African Renal Society (SARS) in partnership with the African Association of Nephrology (AFRAN) and the Renal Care Society of South Africa (RCSSA), and...

Upcoming ISN events

We have an exceptional year of ISN events planned for you and hope that you can join us at one or more of them. Each event has been designed by leading experts in the field giving you the highest quality of learning and networking. Our Forefronts Symposia focus on emerging and groundbreaking research stimulating exposure to new...

CRRT 2014 conference coming up

The CRRT International conference on advances in critical care is taking place this March in San Diego, California. The CRRT conference is an ISN endorsed event and continues to provide a comprehensive coverage of the rapidly developing field of Critical Care Nephrology and CRRT. It highlights the recent advances in our understanding of pathophysiology of...

Regulatory science session announced for Nexus Bergamo 2014

A regulatory science session is set to take place at the upcoming ISN Nexus Symposium in Bergamo, Italy. “We are especially pleased to announce that all three major regulatory agencies – the FDA, the EMA and the PMDA – will be represented at the symposium, with speakers from all three giving what promises to be...

ISN Forefronts Charleston: abstract submissions now open

Abstract Submissions and Registration has now opened for the ISN Forefronts Symposium in 2014 on Intrinsic Regulation of Kidney Function, which will be held in Charleston (SC), USA, from March 6 to 9, 2014. The program for this symposium is almost final, and you will find the most up-to-date information on sessions and speakers on the dedicated website, CLICK...

ISN joins Brazilian Society of Nephrology at the Congresso Pauliste de Nefrologia

The XVII Congresso Paulista de Nefrologia was recently hosted in Atibaia, Brazil. The meeting is the annual meeting of Sociedado de Nefrologia do Estado de Sao Paulo (SONESP), a major meeting for the Brazilian Society of Nephrology (BSN), and includes physicians, nurses, dieticians and other allied health professionals. The opening ceremonies included a formal presentation...

Bolivia hosts first AKF meeting between ISN and SLANH

La Paz, Bolivia was the location for the first meeting for a global initiative on Acute Kidney Failure (AKF) between ISN and Sociedad LatinoAmericana de Nefrologia y Hipertension (SLANH). Representatives from several authorities took part in this meeting on October 2, 2013.  These included SLANH President Juan Fernández, SLANH Committee Representative for AKF Emmanuel Burtman, ISN President...

1st Oxford conference on IgA Nephropathy

Magdalen College, Oxford will be the location for a IgA Nephropathy meeting taking place from June 25  to 26, 2014. The event is organized by the International IgA Nephropathy Network with the endorsement of ISN and the Renal Pathology Society. The aim of the meeting will be to review the Oxford Classification of IgA...

ISN Forefronts Florence – learning from each other

I had the great honor to participate, as one of the invited speakers, in the recent ISN Forefronts meeting on “Stem Cells and Kidney Regeneration” which was held September 12–15,2013 in beautiful Florence, Italy. The organizers Drs. Paola Romagnani and Ben Humphreys, with the help of the wonderful ISN Conference team, put together an excellent...

ISN Forefronts Florence – an extensive program on possible regenerative options for the kidney

Florence was the venue for the most recent ISN Forefronts Symposium which focussed on Stem Cells and Kidney Regeneration. Organized by Professors Paola Romagnani and Benjamin Humphreys, leaders in the field from both Italy and the US, the meeting opened with seminal presentations about the processes of reprogramming and regeneration across all species as...

Discovering the great potential of stem cells and kidney regeneration

A remarkable ISN Forefronts Symposium entitled, “Stem Cells and Kidney Regeneration”, was held in Florence, Italy, from September 12 to 15, 2013.  The speakers were assembled worldwide from laboratories and clinics in the forefront of research extending from very basic investigations to clinical trials. The entire field was propelled forward by the discovery that somatic...

ISN Forefronts Florence – some personal highlights

This was a well-organized outstanding meeting on a timely topic: The role of stem cells and kidney regeneration. Virtually all invited speakers were carefully selected outstanding scientists from all over the world, who represented a well balanced cross-section of the field. My personal highlights were talks on regeneration in different organ systems (e.g. in muscle...

Looking back

ISN’s Global Outreach Program Chair shares how he has seen the programs grow from strength to strength. William Couser has now completed 12 years on the ISN Executive Committee including 6 years as Chair of the ISN Global Outreach (GO) Programs. As he passes on his duties to ISN Past President John Feehally, it is...

ISN GO Workshop: Highlighting the best in nephrology

During the ISN World Congress 2013, the ISN Global Outreach (GO) Workshop was a chance for ISN GO participants to meet and share the continuing success of the programs. The winners of the GO poster sessions also received their prizes during this special session. Peter Kerr, Chair of the Oceania and South-East Asia Committee enjoys...

Nexus heads to Italy in April 2014

Bergamo is the location for the upcoming Nexus Symposium taking place from April 3 to 6, 2014. Mark your calendar today. You can register online for this event soon and abstract submission closes on January 6, 2014. CLICK HERE for more information. Owing to the theme chosen this time around, this symposium will be a little different....

ISN Forefronts Florence – success all round!

This must have been the fourth time that I attended the ISN Forefronts Meeting. Once again, this focused meeting on Stem Cells and Kidney Regeneration thrilled its participants with cutting edge science. Around 180 researchers in the field gathered in Florence to discuss a subject dear to their hearts. World-leading experts in their respective niche...

ISN-ANIO India Committee develops a Clinical Renal Pathology Certificate Program

ISN is partnering with ANIO (American Nephrologists of Indian Origin) and other nephrologists of the Indian diaspora to develop projects which will help to create step changes in Indian nephrology through training, education, and capacity building. Recognizing the pressing need for more expertise in renal pathology in India, the ISN-ANIO India Committee’s first project was...