Help Advance Kidney Care Worldwide - Get Involved in the Advocacy Sessions at WCN’22
The ISN is pleased to host the Professor Donal O'Donoghue, Global Kidney Policy Forum: Building Healthier Sustainable Communities to Safeguard Kidney Health, at the World Congress of Nephrology 2022.
The GKPF will take place online on Wednesday, February 23, from 3 p.m. to 6:55 p.m. Malaysian Standard Time (MYT). The meeting brings together decision-makers and stakeholders, including WHO representatives, patients, and internationally renowned nephrologists. Discover the complete Global Kidney Policy Forum (GKPF) program here.
Speakers will review the burden of kidney disease in the Southeast Asia region and share strategies for preventing and improving kidney care at both regional and global levels. Keynote speakers include:
Dr. Slim Slama, Unit Head, Noncommunicable Diseases Management-Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (MND), at the World Health Organization
Mr. Manvir Victor, kidney patient, patient advocate, and inaugural chair of the ISN Patient Liaison Advisory Group
Dr. Amrish Krishnan, a Fijian nephrologist who set up the first kidney hospital in Fiji
The ISN invites all WCN'22 delegates to attend the Global Kidney Policy Forum and renew their commitment to the 12 Recommendations to Global Kidney Health.
Join the ISN at the official launch of its newly-created Patient Liaison Advisory Group on Saturday, February 26, 9:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. MYT, at the World Congress of Nephrology 2022..
The event is free to attend and open to all WCN’22 participants and external stakeholders: Bookmark the event in advance here.
The Patient Liaison Advisory Group, comprising a patient representative from each of the ten ISN regions, represents the intercontinental diversity of kidney patients. It supports the ISN’s efforts to shape patient-centered health initiatives and research programs to address the burden of kidney disease worldwide.
Mr. Manvir Victor, Chair of the Patient Liaison Advisory Group, will present the group’s mission statement and introduce the group members. The advisory group will then accept questions from attendees in a Q&A session.
Take the WCN'22 pre-congress course “Advocacy and Policy Course - New Skills for the Modern Nephrologist,” Thursday, February 24, at 3 p.m. MYT .
Find out more about the Advocacy and Policy Course here. Register for the congress here.
The course covers the principles and practicalities of designing and conducting effective advocacy campaigns to equip participants with the knowledge, skills, and techniques to advocate successfully at all levels of policymaking.
Led by internationally renowned kidney health advocates, the course includes:
Real-life examples of successful advocacy campaigns from different countries
Training on how to gather and generate evidence to support policy development
Guidance on designing and implementing an advocacy plan
Advice on engaging with politicians, policy-makers, and journalists
Hands-on experience through case study analysis and advocacy strategy design, with guidance from experts
This introductory course is intended for anyone interested in advocating for kidney health. No previous advocacy experience is required to take the course.
Cast Your Vote Now! Watch the Finalists and Vote for the 2022 Best Film Award in the ISN Community Film Event
Online voting for the 2022 ISN Community Best Film opens today, January 24.
Watch the shortlisted films here.
The film event jury has selected six finalists from the 22 films received for the 2022 edition. The ISN warmly invites you to watch these personal and powerful accounts that help raise awareness of living with kidney diseases.
Your vote helps decide the overall winner. Last year we received almost 4000 votes - a testament to the quality of the films and their capacity to bring the kidney care community together in the shared goal of increasing awareness of kidney diseases and their impact.
Find out more here.
Create Connections at the WCN'22 Topical Networking Sessions
WCN'22 offers a schedule of moderated special topical networking events during breaks in the scientific program hosted on a user-friendly networking platform powered by SpatialChat. This platform allows you to effortlessly join networking rooms that simulate an in-person experience.
With discussion points ranging from vaccine hesitancy to behavioral strategies for increasing medication compliance, these sessions provide the perfect opportunity to catch up with friends and colleagues and get to know new people through animated conversation. Find a complete list of discussion topics here.
Share Your Work at the ISN Frontiers Meeting in Bergamo, Italy: Submit an Abstract Before February 16
The ISN Frontiers Meeting, ‘Complement-related kidney diseases: classification, genetics, and treatment,' offers researchers a rare opportunity to showcase their work on this specialty topic.
Submit your abstract here. Accepted abstracts will be presented as posters and published in Kidney International Reports.
Abstract Submissions and Travel Grant Applications for the ISN Frontiers Meeting on Infections and the Kidney Now Open
The ISN Frontiers Meeting in New Delhi, India will focus on bi-directional relationships between infections and kidney diseases.
The meeting will take place from September 22 to 25, 2022. Discover the four-day program here.
More than ever, it is urgent to understand better the complex relationship between infections and kidney diseases to develop effective treatments. Share your work in this specialty field with the international community.
Find out more and submit your abstract here. The deadline is April 20, 2022.
The ISN invites its members from low-resource countries to apply for a travel grant to attend the meeting. Find out more and apply here.
Subscribe to the Frontiers newsletter here to stay informed.
Give Professional Guidance and Develop Leadership Skills - Apply to Become an ISN Mentor
The ISN Mentorship Program connects health professionals within the ISN community, offering mentors the chance to develop coaching and leadership skills and mentees to work alongside them toward specific professional goals.
We are currently welcoming applications from mentors: If you are an experienced nephrologist or health worker with expertise in clinical work, research, career development, or another area of interest, apply now.

Find out more here.
Apply for an Interventional Nephrology Scholarship to Improve Kidney Care in Your Region
Applications for ISN Interventional Nephrology Scholarships are now open for scholars to train at ISN Interventional Nephrology Training Centers from July 2022 to February 2023.
These short-term courses offer ISN members from low- and middle-income countries the chance to train in specialized interventional nephrology procedures.
The deadline to apply is April 1, 2022. Start your application here.
Two training options are available - Foundation (Level 1) and Advanced (Level 2):
Foundation courses comprise two to four weeks of observational and hands-on training in a specific procedure.
Advanced courses comprise three months of hands-on training in a broad spectrum of procedures, notably endovascular.
The ISN Continues to Support Meetings to Advance Kidney Care
The ISN remains committed to supporting the work and professional development of its members. We are constantly working toward increasing assistance to the global kidney care community through different formats and initiatives.
The ISN continues to monitor the COVID-19 pandemic. Although many activities involving travel are impacted and have shifted to a virtual format, the ISN remains keen to support regional nephrology-related meetings in resource-low countries, especially when organized by its Affiliated and Collective-Member Societies.
Get involved in ISN's activities to support high-quality studies in kidney care; contact research@theisn.org.
Discover the Findings of the “Global Survey of Kidney Nutrition”
The paper, “Assessing Global Kidney Nutrition Care,” has been published in the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology.
The ISN Global Kidney Health Atlas Committee partnered with the International Society of Renal Nutrition and Metabolism to develop a Global Kidney Nutrition Care Atlas.
155 ISN-affiliated countries completed an electronic survey evaluating the global availability, capacity, and cost of nutrition-related kidney care services as well as communication standards between dietitians and nephrologists to address the significant gaps in diet and nutrition-related kidney care.
EKHA Launches Recommendations to Tackle CKD in European Union
The European Kidney Health Alliance (EKHA) partnered with the French nephrology and patient societies, Société Francophone de Néphrologie, Dialyse et Transplantation (SFNDT), France Rein, and Renaloo to develop a set of recommendations to tackle Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) at EU level.
Read the complete recommendations in English here and in French here.
Register for the Latest Session in the Grand Rounds in Pediatric Nephrology Series
“Approach to Infantile Hypercalcemia” will be held on Friday, February 4, 2022, 3 - 4:15 p.m.
Through two case histories, the session will cover:
Differential diagnosis of an infant with hypercalcemia
Hypercalcemia evaluation and the role of genetic testing
Treatment of infantile hypercalcemia
Priya Pais, India
Soumya Reddy, India
Paul Goodyer, Canada
Rukshana Shroff, UK
Find out more here.
Young Nephrologists
By Siddiq Anwar, ISN Young Nephrologists Committee and Middle East Regional Board member
The Future of Work and Developing the Kidney Care Workforce - Young Nephrologists Take the Lead
There is a pressing need for a paradigm shift in nephrology where a limited workforce focuses energy on kidney disease prevention and avoiding dialysis. Automation, machine learning (ML), and artificial intelligence (AI) have the potential to bridge the existing manpower gap and help free up the limited available workforce to do this. It can also bring high-quality renal care to areas lacking trained personnel to help manage patients with renal disease.
Kidney International on COVID-19
Kidney International Reports on COVID-19
Get to Know the ISN-KI Editorial Fellows and Interns
The ISN-KI Editorial Fellowship, designed for early-career professionals and academics working in the field of nephrology, dialysis, and transplantation, provides training opportunities for reviewing and critically evaluating manuscripts and managing editorial responsibilities within the context of a world-renowned nephrology journal.
The Kidney International editorial team is currently providing expert guidance to three ISN-KI Editorial Fellows and seven ISN-KI Editorial Internships from October 2021 to April 2023. Meet the fellows and interns here.
Kidney International Editorial Selection
The Cell Membrane Repair Protein MG53 Modulates Transcription Factor NF-KB Signaling to Control Kidney Fibrosis
Kidney fibrosis is associated with the progression of acute kidney injury to chronic kidney disease. MG53, a cell membrane repair protein, has been shown to protect against damage to kidney epithelial cells and acute kidney injury.
The authors evaluated the role of MG53 to modulate kidney fibrosis in aging mice and mice with unilateral ureteral obstruction, a known model of progressive kidney fibrosis.
Findings suggest that MG53 may have a therapeutic role in treating chronic kidney inflammation and be able to protect against fibrosis that leads to the chronic kidney disease phenotype.
Kidney International Reports Editorial Selection
A Qualitative Study of Facilitators and Barriers to Self-management of Chronic Kidney Disease
Authors from the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, identified facilitators and barriers that influence CKD self-management in the daily life of patients. They conclude that their findings provide a framework for providers to develop effective, tailored approaches to promote self-management and engagement for patients with CKD.