ISN Affiliated Societies - Book Your Space at the WCN'22 Global Nephrology Village Before January 7
The ISN invites its Affiliated Societies to showcase their organization from February 24-27, 2022, at the Global Nephrology Village at WCN'22.
Participation is free of charge for Affiliated Societies from low-income countries and all Collective-Member Societies; book now!
Reserve your space at the WCN'22 Global Nephrology Village here before January 7, 2022.
Get in touch with info@theisn.org for more details on booking your booth at the Global Nephrology Village.
ISN Joint Position Paper Contributes to WHO Decision on Recommendations for Future Pandemic Prevention |
Given the devastating effect the COVID-19 pandemic has had on people with kidney disease, and to mitigate this adverse impact in any future pandemic, the ISN, together with its partners in the Global Coalition for Circulatory Health (GCCH), published the position paper “Preventing the Next Pandemic: The Case for Investing in Circulatory Health,” ahead of the World Health Assembly’s (WHA) special session in November 2021 on improving global pandemic preparedness.
Having brought this issue to the attention of WHO Executive Board member state health attachés in Geneva, and having addressed the historic WHA Special Session with an oral statement urging member states to adopt an international pandemic treaty to prevent and improve preparedness for global health crises, the ISN welcomed the WHA’s decision to establish an intergovernmental negotiating body to draft and negotiate a WHO convention, agreement, or another international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response.
Together with its newly created Patient Liaison Advisory Group, the ISN will be working closely with WHO member states to ensure that the prospective treaty reflects the interests of kidney patients and nephrology healthcare professionals.
Access the Anemia of Renal Disease Online Curriculum
The ‘Anemia of Renal Disease’ curriculum is now accessible to all on the ISN Academy.
Discover the curriculum here.
The course, prepared in collaboration with the Cleveland Clinic, covers the pathophysiology of renal disease along with the clinical trials guiding current management guidelines:
Definition and epidemiology of renal anemia
Pathophysiology of renal anemia
Mechanisms of erythropoiesis-stimulating agents
Trials of renal anemia
Iron metabolism
Iron formulations
Novel and future therapies, including HIF-stabilizers
Supported by an educational grant from
Obituary Martin De Smet 1956-2021
The ISN was saddened to learn of the death of Dr. Martin De Smet on November 23, 2021.
Dr. De Smet graduated as a medical doctor from Ghent State University and the Antwerp Institute of Tropical Medicine in Belgium. He joined Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in 1991 and worked in many different roles for the organization in several countries, including as the emergency unit coordinator in Belgium.
Dr. De Smet was the ISN's Renal Disaster Relief Task Force (RDRTF) first contact person from MSF. He was instrumental in the RDRTF's first major intervention onsite at the 1999 Marmara earthquake in Turkey. He was involved in many other RDTF interventions either on the ground or as a coordinator from the Brussels MSF headquarters. He will be sadly missed by his colleagues at the RDRTF, where he was known as an inspiring person who could bring people together as a team to work toward a common goal.
The ISN offers its deepest condolences to Dr. De Smet's family, colleagues, and friends.
Fellowship Program leaders, ISN Program coordinators, and ISN Fellows from different countries get to know each other in a virtual meet-up
Prof. Ahmed Akl, Egypt, mentor, and Dr. Ben Lomatayo, mentee, Kenya, meet for the first time online. Their mentorship will focus on clinical research.
Announcing the First Mentorship Pairings from the Program's Relaunch
Since the ISN Mentorship Program's relaunch in July 2021, 30 mentors and mentees have been selected and matched according to skill sets and training requirements. The ISN congratulates and welcomes all successful applicants.
Discover the complete list of mentorship pairings here.
The matched pairs have now enjoyed introductory meetings to define a personalized program and schedule - we look forward to the progress and success of these collaborations.
ISN Participates
ISN Past President Vivek Jha presenting his talk at PERNEFRI's Annual Meeting
Register Now to Enjoy an Outstanding Program at WCN'22': Regular Fees Apply Until January 26, 2022
What's in store at WCN'22?
WCN'22 offers a state-of-the-art scientific program and many other unmissable features, including:
Raising-the-Curtain Sessions
Designed to connect communities from different parts of the world in the run-up to the congress, WCN's Raising-the-Curtain Sessions provide a platform for ISN Collective-Member Societies and other regional societies to highlight local issues and globally shared challenges in their efforts to advance equitable kidney care worldwide.
Fourth Global Kidney Policy Forum
Play your part in kidney care advocacy - join health ministry officials, WHO officials, patients, and other health-related NGO representatives at the Professor Donal O’Donoghue Global Kidney Policy Forum: Building Healthier Sustainable Communities to Safeguard Kidney Health.
This year's forum will focus on the burden of kidney disease in the ISN South-East Asia region and the related regional and global strategies for its prevention and improved management.
Deadline Extension - Submit Your Film to the ISN Community Film Event Before January 10, 2022
To allow more people the opportunity to share a story with the ISN community, the deadline to submit a film has been extended to January 10, 2022.
Engage with a global audience, increase awareness of kidney diseases, positively impact the lives of kidney disease patients: Submit a film to the ISN Community Film Event.
Discover what the competition meant to last year's winners here.
Register for the ISN Frontiers Meeting in Bergamo, Italy, at the Early Bird Rate
Register now to benefit from the early bird registration fee.
‘Complement-related kidney diseases: classification, genetics, and treatment,’ an ISN Frontiers Meeting co-hosted by the Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research, will take place June 23-25, 2022.
Explore the program here.
Discover Key Speakers at the ISN Frontiers Meeting on Infections and the Kidney in New Delhi, India
The ISN Frontiers Meeting in New Delhi will focus on bi-directional relationships between infections and kidney diseases.
Discover the four-day program here.
More than ever, the need to better understand the complex relationship between infections and kidney diseases and develop effective treatments is urgent.
Join a global panel of clinical and scientific experts in the endeavor to find solutions to this specialty issue.
Soumya Swaminathan, WHO, Switzerland
“The Global Burden of Infectious Disease and the Kidney”
Vivekanand Jha, ISN immediate Past President, The George Institute for Global Health, India
“Climate Change, Changing Biodiversity and Infections - Impact on Kidney Health”
Camille Kotton, Harvard Medical School, USA
“Diagnosis, Prevention, and Treatment of Infections in Kidney Transplant Recipients”
The meeting will take place from September 22 to 25, 2022, in New Delhi, India. Subscribe to the Frontiers newsletter here to stay informed.
Global Survey of Kidney Nutrition Reveals Shortage of Qualified Dietitians
The paper, “Assessing Global Kidney Nutrition Care,” will shortly be published in the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology.
The International Society of Nephrology (ISN) Global Kidney Health Atlas (GKHA) Committee partnered with the International Society of Renal Nutrition and Metabolism (ISRNM) to develop a Global Kidney Nutrition Care Atlas.
155 ISN-affiliated countries completed an electronic survey evaluating global availability, capacity, and cost of nutrition-related kidney care services, as well as communication between dietitians and nephrologists, intending to address the significant gaps in kidney care focusing on diet and nutrition.
Look out for the paper and accompanying press release later this month.
ISN-ACT Global Trials Focus: November 2021
A summary of the highlighted trial is now available in French, Mandarin, Russian, and Spanish.
See the latest trials here.
Support equal access to nephrology research, become an ISN Member!
Wednesday, December 15, 3 p.m. CET
ISN-ISE Webinar: Practical Aspects of the Treatment of Diabetic Kidney Disease
Peter Rossing, Denmark
Luiza Caramori, USA
Angela Yee-Moon Wang, Hong Kong
ISN Frontiers Webinar: New Insights into Clinical Management of C3G
ISN-Cochrane Webinar:
Pharmacological Interventions for Heart Failure in People with Chronic Kidney Disease
ISN-ISPD Webinar: Incremental PD - Personalized PD
Grand Rounds in Pediatric Nephrology
An ISN-IPNA Sister Centers Initiative: Nephropathic Cystinosis - How to Diagnose and Treat
ISN-IPNA Webinar: AKI Across the Lifespan
Watch Episode Three of the ISN Member Open Mic Series: David Martin Atuhe
The ISN Member Open Mic series offers ISN members the chance to share their professional experiences with the ISN member community.
In this latest edition, David Martin Atuhe from Uganda, who recently completed an ISN Fellowship in Kenya, presents his thoughts on the importance of raising awareness in kidney health.
Find out more here.
Young Nephrologists
An End-of-Year Message From the Young Nephrologists Committee
By Marina Wainstein, ISN YNC chair
As we say farewell to what has been another year of unsettling adversity, we search ahead for calmer seas and opportunities to reconnect with colleagues and friends to nurture our shared passion for kidney care.
There has never been a more important time to engage with global nephrology, to understand the wider implications of the pandemic, and examine the knowledge gaps and lessons we’ve encountered along the way.
As we prepare for what promises to be a fantastic World Congress of Nephrology 2022 (WCN'22), the Young Nephrologists Committee (YNC) has crafted several sessions to address those gaps and highlight the issues and topics most relevant to young nephrologists.
Kidney International (KI) on COVID-19
Kidney International Editorial Selections
Addressing the Nephrology Workforce Shortage Via a Novel Undergraduate Pipeline Program: The Kidney Disease Screening and Awareness Program (KDSAP) at Ten Years
The KDSAP is an educational model that strategically targets college undergraduates in the United States and cultivates their interest in nephrology.
An earlier study showed that the KDSAP positively influenced its active undergraduate members’ perceptions toward nephrology. However, it was not clear whether this influence persisted beyond college graduation.
This survey aimed to evaluate the sustained impact of KDSAP on alumni career choices. Overall, 35.7% (40 of 112) of survey respondents were pursuing or planning to pursue a future career in nephrology.
Anticoagulation in Patients with Kidney Failure on Dialysis: Factor XI as a Therapeutic Target
This article presents the rationale for considering anticoagulation therapy in patients with kidney failure to reduce atherothrombotic events, highlighting the limitations of current anticoagulants in this context. It explains the potential benefits of FXI inhibitors and summarizes ongoing studies investigating FXI inhibition in dialysis patients with kidney failure.
Kidney International Reports Editorial Selections
ANCA-associated Glomerulonephritis Following the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine
Although vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 are generally well tolerated and major side effects are uncommon, case reports have emerged of rare side effects, including vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia and minimal change disease.
Here, the authors present and discuss a case report of pauci-immune crescentic glomerulonephritis associated with de novo development of ANCAs following vaccination with the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.
COVID-19 Vaccination and Glomerulonephritis
Researchers from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, report a case series of patients who developed new or relapsing glomerulonephritis (GN) after receiving the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine.
The authors conclude that both new cases and the relapse of GN can present shortly after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination. They clarify that such cases may result from previously undiagnosed IgA nephropathy triggered by robust immune activation rather than the development of new IgA deposits.