ISN News |
Research |
“Trying to Solve the Mystery of CKDu Together”: The ISN i3C “Work in Progress” Meetings Highlight Advances and Research Opportunities in CKDu
Listen to the Discussion on ISN’s First Consensus Guidance for Pre-clinical Animal Studies in Translational Nephrology (TRANSFORM) with Fergus Caskey, Masaomi Nangaku and Agnes Fogo
Newly Revised Edition of the ISN-ACT Clinical Trials Toolkit Available Now!
Awards |
Honor a Deserving Colleague for Excellence in Kidney Care - Nominate Your Candidate for the ISN 2024 Awards Today!
Grants |
The ISN Supports Kidney Care Education at French Language Congress in Africa Through the CME Program
The ISN and the Indian Society of Nephrology Extend Partnership
ISN Participates |
The ISN President Delivers Talk on the Current State of Kidney Diseases at Congress to Mark Thai Princess's 100th Birthday
The ISN Endorses Women in Nephrology at WIN ICON 2023
Register for the 17th International Symposium on IgA Nephropathy in Tokyo |
Education/Academy |
New on the ISN Academy - ISN-ASON Case Series on Onconephrology: Watch the First Case on Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors
WCN'23 Sessions Are Now Available at the ISN Academy!
“Palliative Care in CKD” and “Hypertension and CKD” - Watch and Share Modules 21 and 22 in the Open-access Online Kidney Education for Primary Care Physicians Curriculum |
Advocacy |
High-level Stakeholders Discuss Innovative Solutions for Green Kidney Care at the European Kidney Forum
Webinars |
July 18, 2023 I 3 p.m. CEST |
ISN Kidney Health Professionals Working Group Webinar: The Role of Nurses in Vascular Access
July 19, 2023 I 4 p.m. CST (Central Standard Time) |
ISN Webinar: Steps for a Successful WCN'24 Abstract Submission and Beyond!
July 20, 2023 I 5 p.m. CEST |
ISN-KDIGO Webinar: Novel Anemia Therapies
July 25, 2023 I 2 p.m. CEST |
ISN Webinar: Sexual Dysfunction and Kidney Disease
July 25, 2023 I 4 p.m. CEST |
ISN-AFRAN Webinar: AKI in Limited-resource Settings
August 3, 2023 I 3 p.m. CEST |
ISN North America and Caribbean Regional Board Webinar: Kidney Disease in the Caribbean - Lessons From Successes and Paths to New Discoveries
(In Spanish) ISN-SLANH Webinar: Enfermedad Renal Crónica No Tradicional (CKDu) - Nuevos Retos en Latinoamerica |
Watch the latest ISN video abstracts from the @ISNeducation Social Media Team
Effects of Newer Kidney Protective Agents on Kidney Endpoints Provide Implications for Future Clinical Trials
The study assesses the effects of newer kidney protective agents on endpoints, including smaller proportional declines in eGFR to compare relative event rates and the magnitude of observed treatment effects.
They found that in populations at high risk of CKD progression, the relative effects of newer kidney protective therapies are similar across endpoints based on varying eGFR decline thresholds.
Population Frequency of Undiagnosed Fabry Disease in the General Population
According to researchers in Australia, Fabry disease is more common than previously recognized and still underdiagnosed, especially in women.